Emergency: 18003091001

Emergency: 18003091001



The department of Neurology is one of the best neurology hospitals in Bangalore in town with highly qualified senior consultants providing the best neuro treatments and backed by a state-of-the-art clinical neurophysiology lab (EMG, NCV, EEG, Evoked Potentials), neuroradiology including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), digital subtraction angiography (DSA), extracranial and intracranial vascular Doppler, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and interventional neuroradiology and excellent neuropathological backup, and the department is equipped to manage any neurological disorder including neurovascular diseases. State-of-the-art critical care units (CCU) are geared to deal rapidly with ‘brain attacks’ and other neurological emergencies round the clock. A physiotherapy and rehabilitation department offers exceptional neurorehabilitation to help stricken patients overcome their disabilities.

Clinical Neurophysiologic Services (Electrodiagnosis)

Electromyography (NCV/EMG)

Evoked Potentials (EP)

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Electrodiagnostic studies can be helpful in evaluating weakness, numbness, pain, and symptoms such as fatigue, cramps, and abnormal sensation. Electrodiagnostic evaluation is an extension of the neurologist’s physical examination and is performed by our clinical neurophysiologist, who is a neurologist with special training in clinical neurophysiology. The time required to complete the study generally takes approximately 60 to 120 minutes. The two main procedures used to study nerves and muscles are needle electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity studies (NCV).


During an EMG, the neurologist analyses the electric activity in muscles by inserting a fine needle electrode into selected muscles. Needle insertion may cause mild, temporary discomfort. The needle is not used for injection, and no shocks are given. The physician can determine whether the muscle is working normally by seeing the electric activity on a screen and listening over a loudspeaker. The needles are discarded after use or sterilized to prevent the transmission of AIDS, hepatitis, and other infections.


To perform nerve conduction studies, the physician tapes small metal electrodes on the skin and applies a brief electric stimulus to one portion of a nerve. Nerve stimulation will cause a tingling sensation. The physician can then evaluate the electric response of the nerve or muscle to which the nerve is attached and determine if the nerve impulse is

Conducted normally

At a slow speed

Not transmitted at all, suggesting damage to the nerve

Evoked Potentials

Electrodiagnosis may also include a number of other tests, such as evoked potentials. These studies use different stimuli, such as auditory clicks, a changing visual pattern such as a checkerboard, or small electric stimuli applied to specific nerves. The recordings are made over the surface of the head and the spine to evaluate whether the sensory impulses are normally conducted through the nerves, spinal cord, or brain.


09:00 AM- 06:00 PM


#2, VSH Hospital Road, Ashok Nagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001


E-mail – info@vshhospital.com
Toll-Free Number: 18003091001
Emergency Helpline: +91-80-22277979