Emergency: 18003091001

Emergency: 18003091001

Diabetes Health Checkup Packages

The list of Diabetes Health Checkup Packages is as follows

Nos: Type Of Test
1 Fasting Blood Sugar
2 Post Prandial Blood Sugar
3 Lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, HDL/LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides.)
4 Uric Acid
5 Creatinine
6 Serum Electrolytes
7 Calcium
8 Phosphorous
9 Complete Haemogram (HB, TC, DC, ESR, RBC, MCH, Platelet, Count, PCV, MCV, MCHC, Peripheral Smear)
10 LFT(Total Protein,Albumin, Globulin,Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, SGOT,SGPT GGT, Alkaline Phosphatase)
11 Urine Routine
12 Urine (Microalbumin / Protein)
13 HBA1C
14 Chest X-ray
15 ECG
16 Eye Examination
17 Consultation with Endocrinologist – Diabetologist (Diabetes Annual Health Review)
18 Dental Check-up
19 Breakfast